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Industrial Liaison Office of the Università Politecnica delle Marche
Greece,Ancona TTO

The Industrial Liaison Office of the Università Politecnica delle Marche - Innovation and Technology Transfer Service - was established in May 2005 as part of actions aimed to strengthen the cooperation between research structures and territorial production system and improve the research programs of the University, with a high index of innovation. It supports the development of entrepreneurial projects through assistance and advice in the creation of spin-offs and the formulation of business plans for spin-off new initiatives. It produces conferences and workshops on the protection and enhancement of intellectual property and in terms of exploitation of research through the creation of spin-offs.

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Innovative Companies Incubator of the University of Turin
Greece,Turin TTO

2i3T is the company for the management of the business incubator and for the technology transfer of the Turin’s University, that takes care of enhancing the results of academic research in an economic key, by promoting and supporting the creation of new companies with a high knowledge content. 2i3T it’s a hub where Innovative ideas, future entrepreneur, industry needs, investors and finance meet to boost new intensive knowledge startups.

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Fondazione E. Amaldi
Italy,Rome BSO

Fondazione E. Amaldi is an Italian institution for space applied research and technology transfer in support of the national scientific heritage. Born in 2017 from the will of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and from the Hypatia Research Consortium, it strives to offer a new way of interpreting applied science.

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Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0
Italy,Turin BSO

CIM4.0 Competence Centre is the national reference centre for the technologic transfer and the diffusion of competences related to manufacturing and service industries. CIM4.0 is a network made of Pol­ite­c­n­ico and Univeristy of Turin, toge­ther with 22 partner bus­inesses, offering stra­te­g­ic and opera­t­io­nal sup­port within an industry 4.0 deve­lo­p­me­nt context throu­gh techno­lo­g­ical serv­ices and adva­n­ced tra­in­ing courses.

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Competence Centre Industria 4.0
Italy,Milan BSO

MADE is a Competence Centre for Industry 4.0 that simulates a digital factory, created to carry out orientation, training, and finalization of technology transfer projects with Italian companies, particularly SMEs, on Industry 4.0 issues.

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Big data Innovation-Research Excellence
Italy,Bologna BSO

BI-REX is one of the 8 Italian Competence Centres within the Industry 4.0 National Plan and its main focus is on Big Data. It is a public-private Consortium with its headquarter in Bologna (Italy) and gathers in partnership 60 players among Universities, Research Centres and Companies of excellence in order to assist businesses, in particular SMEs, through a varied series of services: from consultancy to technology assessment, from design to validation of innovative solutions, from orientation to training, up to the Pilot Plant.

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Industry 4.0 Competence Centre on Advanced Robotics and enabling digital TEchnologies & Systems 4.0
Italy,Pisa BSO

ARTES 4.0 was created to unite University Partners, Research Bodies, Highly Qualified Training Institutes, Foundations, Third Sector & No Profit entities, but also private Associations and Innovative Companies in order to provide Partners and industry (in particular SMEs) technologies and services responding to their needs through guidance, training, innovation projects, industrial research and experimental development.

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SMACT Competence Centre
Italy,Venezia BSO

SMACT is one of the 8 highly specialized Industry 4.0 Competence Centres born in Italy on the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development. It is a public-private body that systematizes the skills in the 4.0 field of Research, technology providers and early adopter companies. SMACT was born in Trivento by grouping all the stakeholders of the territories and beyond with skills and experience in Digital Transformation, and wants to be the enabling platform that allows the entire production and social system to face the future and create value in the process.

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MedITech Competence Centre I 4.0
Italy,Napoli BSO

MedITech 4.0 - Mediterranean Competence Centre 4 Innovation is the multiregional Competence Centre, active in Puglia and Campania, established as a facilitator of the adoption of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies by SMEs and Public Administration and to be a tool for the dissemination of innovation culture and practices in the production of goods and services in the national territory, particularly in the Mediterranean basin.

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Sicurezza e ottimizzazione delle Infrastrutture Strategiche Industria 4.0
Italy,Genova BSO

The composition of the public/private partnership, which was established as an Association on 21 January 2019, involves 6 public entities (CNR, IIT Foundation, Port System Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea, Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, INAIL and the Chamber di Commercio di Genova) and 33 companies. The latter were selected through the response to a public notice for expression of interest on the basis of an evaluation process of specific technical characteristics and aspects of economic solidity consistent with the programmatic aims of the Centre.

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Cybersecurity Competence Centre
Italy,Rome BSO

Cyber 4.0 is the National Highly Specialized Competence Centre for Cybersecurity, one of the 8 highly specialized competence centres funded by the Ministry of Economic Development. The Centre’s mission is to accompany policymakers, businesses and PA on a path of growth toward secure digitization, thanks to concrete, strategic and sustainable solutions based on knowledge, innovative technologies and enabling services developed with the expertise of its network, which enhance the country's excellence in the European and international context.

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Cluster Agrifood Nazionale
Italy,Rome BSO

Cl.uster A.grifood N.azionale (CL.A.N.) is a widely recognised multi-stakeholder association in the agri-food sector that brings together companies, trade associations, universities, research organisations, training bodies and local representatives operating in the agri-food sector. It was set up to promote, defend and boost development of the agri-food industry, from agricultural production to processing and related industrial sectors, by driving innovation, publicising research results, creating new skills and fostering collaboration between research, businesses, institutions and public administration.

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Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Aerospazio
Italy,Rome BSO

The CTNA is the point of synthesis and convergence of needs and priorities that the various stakeholders of the national aerospace system have accrued in recent years in light of global market trends and sectoral policies at the European and international levels.

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Blue Italian Growth Technology Transfer
Italy,Napoli BSO

The proposing entities of the National Technology Cluster "Blue Italian Growth" (CTN-BIG) have the international economic dimension, scientific credibility, combined with a wealth of strategic collaborations that ensure a high potential for the activation of synergies and the correct strategic positioning on an international scale of the Cluster's interventions.BIG's scientific front is represented by a large group of Universities and the totality of Public Research Institutions that in various capacities deal with the sea, while the industrial front sees the direct presence of many leading players (national and international) and with a large presence of SMEs and territorial aggregations, which also play an indispensable role of liaison with the Regions.

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Cluster tecnologico sulla Chimica Verde
Italy,Milan BSO

The Cluster seeks to encourage sustainable innovation and act as a springboard for development and systemic growth based on the bioeconomy. An initiative that is evolving in constant dialogue with local stakeholders, respecting local biodiversity.

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Technological Innovation in Cultural Heritage
Italy,Napoli BSO

The National Technology Cluster for Cultural Heritage TICHE pursues the goal of initiating and implementing a territorial innovation system of national significance, through networking, interregional integration and governance of the skills and resources of public and private R&D and production facilities, technology and innovation management, research enhancement, technology transfer, business incubation, investment attraction, and dedicated finance.

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National Technological Cluster “Made in Italy” (MinIT)
Italy,Milan BSO

The National Technological Cluster “Made in Italy” (MinIT) is an officially incorporated association aiming to encourage and promote an ecosystem based on technology transfer and innovation, able to bring about a sustainable, integrated, and inclusive economic growth for the companies working in the field of Made in Italy.

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Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale (CTN) Energia
Italy,Rome BSO

The National Technological Cluster Energia, is a nonprofit association, which aims to be a structure open to the participation of all national actors interested in energy issues, with the purpose of creating a single aggregative reality of national value (community), which is representative of the reference sector in a European and international perspective, as well as a meeting point with institutional Bodies, Companies and regional and national Administrations.

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Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale “Fabbrica Intelligente”
Italy,Bologna BSO

The National Cluster “Fabbrica Intelligente” is a recognized association with the aim of implementing a strategy based on research and innovation for the competitiveness of Italian manufacturing. It is the only table at which all stakeholders involved in the fate of Italian industry sit simultaneously: companies, business associations, regions, universities and research institutions.

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Cluster tecnologico sulle scienze della vita
Italy,Milan BSO

ALISEI (Advanced Life Science in Italy) is the National Life Science Technology Cluster that promotes the interaction between the multidisciplinary research system, the pharmaceutical-biomedical industrial fabric and public institutions in the health sector to give a concrete boost to research and innovation in our country.

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Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale SmartCommunitiesTech
Italy,Turin BSO

The Italian Technology Cluster for Smart Communities is a national association with over 150 partners (from the industrial, research and public administration worlds) that collaborates in the development of innovation projects for the management of urban and metropolitan areas.

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Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale “Trasporti Italia 2020”
Italy,Rome BSO

The National Technology Cluster "Transport Italy 2020" is an association recognized by MIUR as a reference for the sector of means and systems for land and sea surface mobility.The Cluster brings together major national industrial and scientific players operating in road, rail, waterborne and intermodal mobility, with the aim of creating synergies between the different supply chains and identifying future research and innovation trajectories for the surface transport sector. In particular, the association intends to develop the attitude toward a system approach that aims to enhance "Made in Italy" excellence.

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Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale “Smart Living Technologies (SMILE)”
Italy,Monteroni d'Arbia BSO

The SMILE Cluster, established as a non-profit association, is proposed at the national level, in coherence and synergy with national and European policies of scientific research development and territorial growth. The SMILE Cluster:- Supports, through scientific and technological excellence, the attractiveness of investment in areas of high-tech production,- Contributes to the strengthening of members' scientific and technical skills,- Strengthens the research and innovation system, regionally, nationally and internationally.

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Lombardia Aerospace cluster
Italy,Milan Network

It is a recognized association that was created by the initiative of 8 companies in the sector and Confindustria Varese (territorial of Confindustria Lombardia) and today represents the Lombardy aerospace supply chain in its complexity: more than 220 companies for about 19,300 employees, generating about 5.8 billion euros in annual turnover and an export worth about 1 billion, equal to almost a quarter of the sector's national export

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Distretto aerospaziale Piemonte
Italy,Turin Network

The Piedmont Aerospace Cluster is an association established in 2019 to ensure continuity of the previous Committee. Since 2005, the Cluster involved all relevant stakeholders with the aim to enhance the competitiveness of Piedmont’s aerospace industry, guaranteeing coordination and long-term vision for public and private investment in technological innovation. The Cluster was one of the founders of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster (CTNA), which federates Italy’s leading aerospace hubs and brings together all the key players in the national aerospace system.

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